2020 Boston Marathon Virtual Expo
Do you love the Boston Marathon or know somebody who does?
We are pleased to announce we're participating in the first-time Boston Marathon Virtual Expo! This customized experience will feature our products for sale and our Limited Edition ROLL Boston Tee. It will also feature hours of programming, live in-booth chats, streamlined retail opportunities and technical support.
CLICK HERE to join 2020 Boston Marathon Virtual Expo
It will be live starting this Friday, September 4th at 9:00am EST and will be open until Tuesday, September 15th at 5:00pm EST for over 288 hours with world-wide access 24/7 for the entire 12 days!

ROLL Boston Tee
Dig Deeper up Heartbreak Hill and Dunk those Donuts. Get your special edition BOS Tee, printed on our Vintage Blue, semi-stretchy, semi-wicking, full-awesomeness ROLL tee available at the 2020 Boston Marathon Virtual Expo / rollrecovery.com/roll-boston-tee.

Boston Pro Tips
We asked the pros - Jeffrey Eggleston, Lindsay Flanagan, Matt Hensley - in our backyard - Boulder, CO - for some tips on how to run the Boston course. Once you've read their tips we're confident you'll be more then ready to ROLL for 2021!
Jeffrey Eggleston BOS Pro Tip 1
Train your legs to run efficiently downhill.
Jeffrey Eggleston BOS Pro Tip 2
Get through the Newton Hills feeling good. How you come off of Heartbreak Hill can decide your race.
Jeffrey Eggleston BOS Pro Tip 3
It’s Boston, so be prepared for anything, especially with the weather.
Lindsay Flanagan BOS Pro Tip 1
With the first 10k being a gradual downhill, it’s easy to get overly excited and go out quicker than planned. Do your best to hold back and keep a conservative pace during these first miles-your body will thank you later on!
Lindsay Flanagan BOS Pro Tip 2
The Crowds at the Boston Marathon are absolutely incredible. When you start to get tired, draw energy from those cheering you on-their energy is contagious.
Lindsay Flanagan BOS Pro Tip 3
The big hills start around mile 17 when you make the right turn by the Firehouse. Try and get to this point feeling strong by keeping a steady pace through the early and middle stages of the race.
Matt Hensley BOS Pro Tip 1
Run by effort/feel not by splits.
Matt Hensley BOS Pro Tip 2
Train on hills correctly to have the structural integrity to handle the course.
Matt Hensley BOS Pro Tip 3
Embrace the uncertainty of race day conditions and execute you game plan.