ROLL Recovery x FitLife Project powered by Run The Edge
We're excited to collaborate with FitLife Project powered by Run The Edge!
Earn virtual bibs and learn how to recover from your hard work without leaving your neighborhood!
The FitLife Project is a one-of-a-kind, unlimited, virtual, fitness challenge in the Run The EdgeⓇ community. Sign up for FitLife and gain access to a wide range of virtual fitness challenges that you can schedule and complete as often as you want. Earn your miles by walking or running the distances for the challenges you choose on the days you select! Yes, miles on treadmills and ellipticals count! The challenges and themes change every month, and you can complete up to 7 challenges each week! When you register you will enjoy one year of fitness and fun for a cool $50! That's less than the cost of a box of cereal per month!
How it works -
1. Sign Up - Click here to access the FitLife tracker.
2. Choose your ROLL Recovery event(s) during the month of November - 8k, 4k and/or 3k.
3. Dig Deep - Complete your scheduled events.
4. You Did It - Celebrate with custom ROLL Recovery virtual bibs, prizes and eternal glory!
After you've completed one of ROLL Recovery's challenges you'll receive -
- An exclusive discount code to
- Raffle entry to win R8 Plus Deep Tissue Massage Roller.
- Raffle entry to win R4 Deep Tissue Body Roller.
- Raffle entry to win R3 Orthopedic Foot Roller.
Q & A with Adam Goucher -
ROLL - What are some Fun Facts about you?
Adam - Co-Founder of Run The Edge. 13th in the 5000m at the Sydney Olympic Games. When Adam did the Trans Rockies event in 2015, he achieved 3 major personal records: his two longest single runs and highest weekly mileage (120 miles) in just 6 days. Adam is also a honey bee keeper and swarm catcher. Adam won an essay contest when he was 14 and got free glider pilot lessons. He was able to fly a plane before he could legally drive a car! ROLL - What do you think about the R8 Plus?
Adam - "I wish I’d had a Roll Recovery R8 while I was training for the Olympics,” says Adam Goucher co-founder of RTE, “this type of deep tissue massage would have been amazing!" “It’s easy to use and speeds up my recovery! A few minutes with the R8 Plus after a long run keeps me feeling refreshed and ready to get back at it.” “The R8 Plus helps restore my muscles after a hard workout and keeps me from feeling too fatigued.” “Better recovery means better workouts, and the R8 Plus is an essential part of my recovery routine!” ROLL - Why did you create Run The Edge?
Adam -
ROLL Recovery -
Run The Edge -
Adam Goucher -

Adam - Co-Founder of Run The Edge. 13th in the 5000m at the Sydney Olympic Games. When Adam did the Trans Rockies event in 2015, he achieved 3 major personal records: his two longest single runs and highest weekly mileage (120 miles) in just 6 days. Adam is also a honey bee keeper and swarm catcher. Adam won an essay contest when he was 14 and got free glider pilot lessons. He was able to fly a plane before he could legally drive a car! ROLL - What do you think about the R8 Plus?
Adam - "I wish I’d had a Roll Recovery R8 while I was training for the Olympics,” says Adam Goucher co-founder of RTE, “this type of deep tissue massage would have been amazing!" “It’s easy to use and speeds up my recovery! A few minutes with the R8 Plus after a long run keeps me feeling refreshed and ready to get back at it.” “The R8 Plus helps restore my muscles after a hard workout and keeps me from feeling too fatigued.” “Better recovery means better workouts, and the R8 Plus is an essential part of my recovery routine!” ROLL - Why did you create Run The Edge?
Adam -
“I wanted to do something different with my life, something epic. And making fitness more fun for people seemed like a great idea!”