ROLL Recovery is dedicated to shopping local.
Therefore, we do the opposite of what most companies do. You won't find us on Amazon, eBay or all over the internet. We understand the positive impact a local store can have on the economy and the strength of the community.
We're excited to launch our SHOP-SHARE-ROLL Campaign for the month of August! ROLL Recovery is committed to Shop Local and supporting Specialty. For the month of August, we are giving away prizes to customers that shop local. The idea is simple, reward customers that shop and share their experiences!
More details below.

- Find your local Run Specialty Shop.
- Get to know the staff. They are awesome and full of helpful tips!
- Make a purchase at your local Run Specialty Shop.
- TIP: Visit our Store Locator to find a shop near you.

- Take a photo with the ROLL Recovery “Happy Hands” just like our Sales Manager, Matt Hensley.
- Post your photo on your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and tell us why you love to shop local.
- Tag @rollrecovery, your local Run Specialty Shop and use hashtag #ShopShareROLL.
- TIP: Make sure your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter isn’t private or we won’t be able to see your post.

- Get ready to ROLL with us because every participant (even staff) will be entered to win a $50 gift card to your local Run Specialty Shop.
- A winner will be selected each day for the month of August.
- Every participant will also be entered to win ROLL Recovery schwag.
- TIP: Winners are chosen on creativity and reason for shopping local.
We love seeing how everyone's creatively using our "Happy Hands!"#SHOPSHAREROLL WINNERS
We’ll be posting one - $50 gift card to your local Run Specialty Shop - winner a day for the month of August on our Instagram Stories, Twitter, and blog.

8/25 -Brent B. (@bailey_running) - Colorado Running Company

8/26 -Jess B. (@rockjess_monsta) - Runners Roost Aurora

8/27 - Beth S. (@zenmotherrunner) - Garry Gribbles Lawrence

8/28 - Hannah Hartzell (@Hannah Hartzell ) - JackRabbit Broad Ripple

8/29 -William B. - Hansons Running Shop

8/30th - Olivia (@grumpyliv ) - JackRabbit Lexington
8/31th - Cassandra P. - Go Far Shop