Personal Records
5000m – 15:05.58
3000m – 8:55.48
Mile – 4:30.65
1500m – 4:05.89
800m – 2:02.86
-Hoka One One

What is your favorite motivational quote?
“I’m just a regular girl with nothing to lose.”
What is your favorite hard workout? My favorite workout is one of my Coach’s most intense speed sessions. It consists of 2x800 faster than 1500m race pace and then 3x400 very fast. The best times I’ve ever hit in this workout were last summer (2015) before World Championships.
What do you feel it benefits?
This workout forces you to feel comfortable with a fast pace. You end up running 2,800 meters at faster-than-1500 meter race pace. So if you can’t run relaxed early in the workout, you’re not going to make it! I’ve found that it’s a great way to simulate a fast 1500m and prep for a 1500m PR.When do you like it? (Before, during, the last half, not until it's over, etc.)
Completing this workout well is a major confidence booster – it tells you how fast you are ready to run the 1500m in a good race. Plus it prepares you for a long, hard closing 800 in a 5k. So it’s right up my ally. I always get excited for this workout, but also nervous, because it’s tough! Ultimately I like this workout when it’s done. It’s exciting to see how fast you were able to run.Do you do best with other people running with you during the workout, or is it best done solo?
I always workout better with people! When I’m by myself, I think too much about how I feel. But when I’m with people I can just zone out and focus on the rhythm, which is what I do in races. This always translates to better workouts, especially for hard sessions like this one.
Do you recommend other runners try it?
It’s a great workout for people to try, but you need to scale the times based on your 1500m time. Anyone can do this workout as long as they customize it for themselves and their paces.What do you do for recovery after this workout and before your next?
The ultimate recovery tri-fecta…. Protein intake, massage, and ice bath. I try to do these things after all major workouts. Throw in a good NJ bagel/egg sandwich, and I’m ready to go by the next workout!
Photos Via: Run Blog Run,, Zimbio, Espn.