Valentine's Day Discount + Giveaway

Happy Valentine’s day
ROLL Recovery is spreading the love February 1st - 14th with a discount on all our red products and a giveaway with one of our backyard Boulder, Colorado power couples - Luis Orta & Hiruni Wijayaratne. These newlyweds share their love for the run and why they use the R8 Plus, R4, R3 and StretchMat in their everyday recovery routine.
10% Off
All red products on
Use promo code - ROLLLOVE - at checkout.
Valid February 1st - 14th 11:59 PM MST.

Giveaway With Luis Orta & Hiruni Wijayaratne
1. Follow @rollrecovery, @ortaluis15, @hiruni_w
2. Tag your number one training buddy and tell us why
they sinspire you to Dig Deeper in the comments.
3. Share this giveaway on your social media.
- Starts Tuesday, February 1st.
- Ends Monday, February 14th 11:59 PM MST.
- One winner and their buddy will win all four prizes.
- Winners will be chosen by Luis & Hiruni.
- Must be 18 +

Get To Know The Power Couple
Luis Orta
Born - Caracas, Venezuela
My Olympic Coach LLC
CEO / Head Coach
RISE Elite Team
Coach Ric Rojas
2:16:29 - Marathon
1:03:09 - Half Marathon
28:32 - 10k
13:49 - 5k
Hiruni Wijayaratne
Born - Colombo, Sri Lanka
Raised - Herndon, Virgina
RISE Elite Team
Coach Ric Rojas
2:34 - Marathon
1:14 - Half Marathon
33:32 - 10k
16:17 - 5k

How did you fall in love with running?
Luis - I realized I was good at it and I could beat guys way bigger than me, then it just became my passion.
Hiruni - Falling in love with running was easy. I would beat all the boys in middle school gym class, and I was like whoa this is AWESOME. Staying in love with running takes work!
How did you two fall in love?
We met our Freshman year at the University of Kentucky. Luis was really fast but also so kind to everyone. The speed goggles slipped on, and never fell off :)
What’s your favorite place to run together?
We love running on the single track trail across our house with our dog.
What’s your best running memory together?
The first World Championship we qualified together - London 2017.
What do you enjoy doing together besides running?
We love traveling to new places. The warmer the location the better!

Why is recovery important to your training?
Luis - In order to train at a high level, I need to keep my body rested, ready and recover so I can hit the next session.
Hiruni - I want to give myself the best opportunity to reach my goals. After 17 years of running, I’ve learned it’s what you do when you are NOT running that often makes the difference.
“The R8 Plus is easy to carry, gets the right muscles and it is also good stress reliever, haha.” - Luis

“I love rolling from lower back to neck on the middle grooves of the R4 before a run. My job involves a lot of computer work so this is a perfect activation pre-run. The R3 saved my 2021 racing career. I rolled the arches of my foot and heel multiple times a day to offset the plantar pain I was battling for months.” - Hiruni

“The space! It's roomy in all the best ways without limiting range of motion. Whenever we take our StretchMat out, our dog insists he sits (or sprawls out) in the middle. So Luis and I take a side. It fits the whole family perfectly!” - Hiruni