GIVEAWAY: ROLL Recovery & Unived & Matt Daniels

ROLL Recovery and Unived are passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and wouldn’t be where we are today without the positive support from athletes like trail runner Matt Daniels. We’re excited to collaborate and give our friends and followers from around the globe a chance to win big. Learn all about the giveaway and Matt below!

- CLICK HERE to enter your email address.
- FOLLOW us on Instagram – @rollrecovery, @univedsports, @univedusa, @mattdaniels480.
- TELL us in the comment of our giveaway social posts what you’re training for next and why you think these products would help you achieve your goals.

- ROLL RecoveryStretchMat ($50)
- Unived Elite Recovery Box ($24)
- Unived Elite Gel Box ($15)
- Unived Elite Drink MIx ($15)($24)

- Starts – Monday, September 30th 2019
- Ends – Sunday, October 6th 2019
- 1 USA Winner / 1 INDIA Winner

What’s your favorite trail race? Why?
- Western States 100. The history and excitement around the race makes it unlike any other!
Top three places to trail run in Boulder?
- Walker Ranch
- Eldorado Canyon
- Green Mountain
Why do you like to train at Walker Ranch?
- Walker Ranch provides a lot of everything. It’s a little higher in elevation at 8,000+ ft. It has flowy fun fast sections, good long climbs and descents, steep technical climbs and descents and beautiful views of the rocky mountains!
When do you use the ROLL Recovery StretchMat most?
- It’s such a convenient thing to have for before and after my runs. Since it is water resistant and made of very durable material, I am able to take it out of the car and plop it down at the trail head and stretch/roll out no matter what the surface or weather conditions may be.
What’s your favorite Unived Elite Gel flavor?
- Chocolate Fudge is my favorite flavor. It taste amazing and has just the right amount of Caffeine to keep me fueled for a long day out on the trail.